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Our 2022 Annual Report

Reminiscing the impacts of our work at the International Student Environmental Coalition for 2022. It was indeed an incredible year, supporting young people to lead and champion grassroots action for climate justice and fostering climate action through local initiatives is what we are all about in ISEC.

From empowering women and girls in rural Togo on climate smart agricultural techniques thereby improving their livelihoods greatly affected by climate change to educating students and young people in schools about climate change and empowering them for action, engaging policy makers and bringing young people's voices to important climate decisions, and policy discussions and many other ways, our young people are taking the lead for climate justice in their communities.

16,000 people directly impacted by our programs and initiatives, 9 international conferences where we were represented, 3 international awards/recognition, 100 young people trained in our activist training programs, are just a summary of an incredible year we had. This will not be possible without the support of our partners and donors

You can support the work we do in 30+ countries empowering young people

Full report:

More about our work here:

Many thanks to our Outreach Director Kiana Kerr for designing this report.


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