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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Food and Political Working Groups

We are excited to announce that applications are LIVE for the Food and Political Working Groups! We are accepting 10 young people from anywhere in the world for each group for the December- June term.

As a member of the Food Working Group, you'll work on food security and sustainable agricultural practices. As a member of the Political Working Group, you will create, implement, and advocate for policy solutions to climate change and environmental degradation.


- Between 16-30 years

- Has a strong interest in environmentalism and the particular focus of each group

- English proficiency


- Attend biweekly Skype Calls with the team

- Implement at least one major project per month (don't worry, we work as a team to make sure you're prepared!)

- Able to dedicate at least 4 hours to ISEC per week

Why should you apply?

You'll join an inspiring team of 10 individuals from all over the world working for a common cause! We are a highly accredited international youth organization with connections all over the world, so you'll truly be a global citizen with us. We work to make the most ambitious projects a reality. If you have big ideas and determination, we'll make them happen!

Application Process:

- Working Group Application Deadline: November 13th

- Working Group Team Announced: November 20th

- December-- June: See change happen!

If you're interested in both groups, feel free to apply to both! We'll place you in whichever we feel best suits you if selected.

DEADLINE: November 13, 11:59 PM EST.

For more information, email

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